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About the Bible Study Leader

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Greetings my brothers and sisters in Christ! ^^


I am Direlda, and I have been leading an online Bible study for this forum for close to three years (has it really been that long?). Since I haven't been around as much as I should, I figured I would say a bit about myself for all of those who don't know me. And I also figured I should explain why I haven't been active on the forums... ^^;


First and most importantly, I am a Christian seeking to serve and glorify God in all that I do. If you forget everything else about me, you should try to remember that part because it is integral to who I am. This Bible study is one way that I serve God, but it isn't the only way. I am still growing in my walk with the LORD, but I know enough to make a decent Bible study leader.


I'm a furry, which is probably obvious, so I won't say much more on this other than my fursona is a red fox (scientifically probably either vulpes vulpes cascadensis or vulpes vulpes japonica) who may or may not have any relation to the kitsune.


I'm a writer and have a novel in the revision process, lots of poetry, a set of three interconnected short stories in the revision process, and a graphic novel (or webcomic) script that is being written. While my intended audience is larger than the furry fandom, I do work in anthropomorphic beings into several of my worlds. My goal is to have at least one thing ready for the publication submission process by June of 2013. And since I currently have no "proper" job, my job for this year is to write, write, write, revise, write, and so on.


If you want to know more about me, you can always visit my website (which I like to call my den) and the attached blog (which I like to call my ramblings). You can find it here: Direlda's Den


And now, my friends, I apologize that I haven't really been around on the forums (or on IRC, for that matter) for quite some time. The last couple years have been interesting, to say the least. I graduated university, joined the ranks of the unemployed, got married, got a job in South Korea, rejoined the ranks of the unemployed, and many other things. For a while I did seem to at least post notices on when Bible study was happening...


As far as I can tell, the primary cause of my not being on was that I was too busy to keep up with all the posts, felt guilty for not keeping up and posting, which made me feel bad whenever I was looking through the forums, which led to me not visiting the forums as much, which further caused me to feel guilty, and then a vicious cycle set in. And that is a pretty lame reason for not being on the forums. ^^; True, last year was a really busy year (being a first-year teacher), but I still could have tried...


Anyways, I'm back now. (yay!) But I hope you all don't mind if I don't try to put in my two cents on every topic or if I don't greet you on your introductory posts because that is what I tried to do and that led to me disappearing off the face of the forums because I couldn't manage to do so.


Blessings and shalom and I hope to see more of you in my weekly Bible study!


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