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Galantine Knight Misticore

American Furry

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Chapter 9 Cold Death


It is cold, but I feel hot. My pace quickened further with each step as I leaped from hills to run along the side of cliff walls. I wanted the straightest route. I leaped hundreds of feet smashing through brush like they were made of twigs. I was heaving loudly as each step gave me more fire in my breath. The snow was powdery as I left a dust trail behind me with each fleeting step. Yet it was not the cold I feared, but the heat. My whole body felt like I was roasting a sweat began to drip from my nose. The hoody I wore was beginning to feel drenched as its collected mud marks began to drip off in mush. My jeans tear easily with each swipe of the branch and I felt restricted in my movements. I didn’t seem to care anymore at that moment. I ran faster and faster at speeds I knew were impossible for a human. Yet the next branch I hit made me feel freer as the clothes ripped off by body with ease. I landed in an opening pulling the bits of hanging material away while panted heavily to walk off the steam. Was I really burning up?


My fur tried to catch the cool air as each bit of falling clothing made me feel more comfortable. However I was still worried about being exposed as I allowed the upper part of my jeans and pockets to remain intact. I tore the bottom to form a sportier look. Sure it looked like jean shorts, but at least my legs could breathe along with my upper body. It was really the first moment that I took notice of my body. I felt along the thick muscle feeling the many hairs plush against my claws. The color of my fur was indeed black; it was like the color of black steel glistening in light. I tried to stretch and see how far I stood and was impressed at how my legs unfolded to give me the extra length. Still admiring the features of my body I was haunted by its effect on me. Was I really enjoying being like this?


Still glancing at my sharp steel-like claws, that could cut through the hide of a bear like a survival knife; I was frightened by the thought. My eyes wavered and I was about to cry when suddenly I saw her….


She spoke before I had time to think, “I see that since you have escaped you have proven yourself in survival. None the less you must be put down.”


It was the creature….. The one from the lab so many weeks ago….. The one who spoke to me….


She continued, “I told you that I would come and find you” my heart raced as she held a pistol in her claws, “It’s a shame that the girl could not be here to see this.”


This moment was very still. But then the trees moved in the wind dropping glittering snow around us. The wind swirled up snow and our hot breaths punctured the cold. My body was tense ready to spring into action as the aim of her gun did not waver. The sun was in her eyes. I saw them… yellow eyes that glint to the setting sun. She was wearing light assault gear as she stood proudly in the yellow haze of the snow. Her caramel colored fur fit snugly against the assault gear as if the gear was made to fit her. The breeze calmed down and I flinched to dodge an incoming bullet, “Nice I can see your reflexes have improved” however I was not the only one who was on the run, I drew my side arm from my back and fired three shots while strafing to my left.


I cried back, “What have you done with her!”


She made little effort to dodge the bullets and she circled around me trying to flank my side, “Oh she is safe, but that should not be a concern for you!”


We danced at each other’s guns as our bullets echoed thunder in the open valley. I ran out of ammo and quickly rolled out of a spray of her bullets as I reloaded with another mag. The snow puffed all around me from her constant firing. She continued to spray her weapon and reloaded in a flash of movement. I could not anticipate her speed as she touched the side of my rib with her claw and the other claw she held the gun against my other side and whispered in my ear, “You are a jumpy one aren’t you?” Before I could push her away the bullet from her gun traveled through my side as blood swelled into my throat.


Falling… I rolled into the snow hard as my gun dropped from my hands. My head spun as the world revolved in my sight. I stopped moving after a while and laid up towards the sky clutching my side. I was wrenching in pain feeling the cold begin to take me over in each struggling breath. However she had her sights on me as she aimed for my head. She walked closer with deadly aim, “Kia is my name and your existence must end here.”


She then fired her gun as I screamed in a panic. Yet the bullets passed by hitting the dirt behind me. The powder of the snow glinted around me and settled. I watched her hand shake with the gun. Her teeth were tightly expressed. She was struggling to maintain control. She felt my blood on her claws as she dropped the gun. I was struggling to breathe as the bullet had punctured my lung cavity. Kia snapped as if she was struck by lightning. She rushed to my aid and practically begged me, “Are you ok, I am so sorry, here let me help you!”


I was too hurt to give a second thought about the situation. I nodded for her aid as she ran into the brush bringing back a medical kit. She worked quickly introducing the air back into my lungs with some kind of medical device as she worked to retrieve the bullet. Too much in pain I dared not ask her to stop the procedure to answer questions. Each prickling press made me wince and exhale through my gritting teeth. I spat blood as she worked faster to control the bleeding. She had me patched up and fit to walk in less than a few minutes as I enjoyed the dose of morphine from her. My mind was hazy while I asked, “Why… (cough)did you do… this?”


She replied embracing me like I was her only child, “Because you saved me.”


I was confused, but uncertain of her, she was wacky to me not fit to plot. So I asked before the desire of sleep began to take me, “How… did I save you?”


She curled her claws against the side of my face in a very affectionate motion, “Oh John, if only you knew the power that travels in your veins.”


Before I could continue to focus on consciousness she carried me to the back of her jeep and drove me away as I drifted to sleep.

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I woke up! Kia was with me, her claws were resting against my chest as she held me. I was scared; the idea of another monster holding me was not exactly comforting. However she was asleep. Her head rested above me as it she slowly breathed in and out in a relaxed motion. I could not comprehend her behavior. We were inside a tent in the woods and the wind blew against us gently as a lantern gave me a warm yellow haze nearby. We were lying in a military cot and she had her gear removed. Her legs were wrapped around my backside pressing around my hips. Her fur nestled with mine as she held me close to her. However my heart was racing!


I was terrified with her and I still felt the pain of her bullet. I was afraid to move yet didn’t want to after feeling slight pain from just moving my arm. However she just curled tighter against me as I wanted to break free from her. I was starting to sweat when I noticed that she had placed both of our weapons on a fold out chair in front of us. It was in arms reach as both of our guns laid besides each other. I lifted one arm but it was caught under her elbow. My other arm was under me pined by my body and her leaning weight. I bit my tongue lightly as I tried to lift my arm under her elbow to try and reach out….


But she just squeezed tighter and began to whistle out of her nose as she curled her head over my ears. She began to rub gently against me with her cheek. I was frozen stiff! Goose bumps grew all over my body as her jaw bone slid around my face from her nuzzling me. My arm was now locked in her claw as she continued to rub against me like a plush toy! I was her soft teddy bear while her tail wagged a little bit. However mine just curled under my legs as I tried to reach out for the guns in the fold out chair.


I stretched as her grip lessened on me. My fingertips griped the hard metal of the gun handle and that’s when she woke up! She griped my arm tightly as her claws were nearly piercing my flesh. I winced as she began to growl over my ear. I was so scared, her teeth flared and slightly opened to reveal her sharp K9’s as they hovered just above my eyes. I dropped the gun in fright as she raised herself over my side still growling with anger. She then picked up the gun I dropped and sighed slightly as her growl turned into a wince. I noticed she was wearing undergarments. The idea that she had he own custom underwear was now in my train of thought. It was a weird fascination that quickly died when she raised the gun to aim at me saying, “Don’t try anything like that again!”


I was terrified, and had a weird sense of guilt. She then lowered the gun and I asked, “Why are you doing this to me?”


She replied, “I’m sorry that I shot you, it wasn’t in my control… well it kind of was, but then again I am not sure.”


I gave her a puzzled look however she continued, “Well you see, I wanted to kill you, but at the same time, realized that I didn’t really want to… I’m sorry that’s not making any sense… Maybe I should just kill you.”


She raised the gun back on me when I cried, “Wait why did you not kill me? And why did you hold me earlier?”


She struggled to keep the gun on me as tears began to swell in her eyes, “I don’t know ok, I just didn’t at that time, I mean I was given orders to kill you, and it was a thrill to kill you, because I wanted you for myself earlier. However now that I shot you, something changed; I didn’t want to kill you. Its cause of your blood, the antidote I think” she lowered the gun and replied, “oh yes that’s right the antidote it does something wonderful.”


I realized she was having some kind of blond moment. She continued lowering to the ground hunched at her knees as her tail slightly wagged, “You see you are supposed to die in order for the treatment to take full effect, before I desired to have the treatment, as it made me happy to do my work. I was thrilled if not enchanted to take orders. Yet now, I can’t understand why I follow them anymore” she dropped the gun and rose to hold my claw as I sat up in fright, “now that you are here, I feel free because of your blood, yes your blood gave me a quick change of heart.”


I replied with my back pressed against the wall of the tent, “What you mean change of heart, is that the reason why you said antidote earlier? What exactly did I cure?” Her claws gracefully rubbed against top skin of my claws and she couldn’t help but smile, “Wait, are you saying that the antidote cured you from following orders?”


She crawled back onto the cot still trying to cuddle with me as I held my side wincing in pain. She responded quickly stepping back with hands raised, “I’m sorry does it still hurt? Wait! That’s a stupid question, of course it does… hang on let me give you something” she reached into a bag grabbing a shot with what I guessed was more pain killer.


She motioned for me to lie still holding the shot while saying, “Hold still this will make you feel better.”


I flinched away when she tried to inject the shot saying, “Wait, how do I know that isn’t going to kill me and that this is all just a sick game of yours?”


She continued by saying, “Look I said I’m sorry and I don’t want you to feel any more pain from what I did. I mean you cured me and now I need to take care of you so you can cure others.”


I was beginning to feel sick from all the confusion along with the bullet wound. Everything just didn’t make sense I should be dead right now and she reached out quickly and injected the shot as I struggled to get way. The shot did hurt but I began to feel relief from the pain and asked, “Please tell me what it is that I cured.”


She hushed me with her claw raised as the drug began to make me feel very sleepy. She then adjusted me on the cot to lie down and resumed her original position holding me like before. I had little choice as the drug made me feel very weak and surprisingly good. She whispered in my ear, “What you cured is called operation DW, in other words I think you cured domestication, something that I was under.”


She sighed happily as her head rested against mine, I was trying to understand what she was talking about, but eventually I fell asleep.

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Chapter 10 Forbidden Romance


It had been 3 weeks, 3 weeks of just rest, I could not understand it but I felt peace when I was with Kia she was always out hunting to bring back food that she would cook and serve, the hot soup melted my frozen jaws with savoring delight. She would help clean my wound and bandage me up while we talk. I tried to understand more about her domestication being cured, but she seemed to know little about it except that my grandmother was the head of the project. It wasn’t long in those three weeks where I could manage to stay awake for longer than 5 hours in between her sedatives and pain relievers. She told me that I was still requiring a lot of rest and that this freezing environment could kill me in a matter of hours with that kind of wound. Sure I had difficulty breathing but I knew she spoke the truth every time she left or entered the tent my nose would get cold and the cold air made me nearly choke. The lamp did its best to try and warm me but what I wanted the most was for Kia to lay next to me with her hot warming body. I would be able to sleep endlessly with her rubbing my chest as I breathed easily against her cuddling arm.


“John?” She spoke with such care, every time she said my name, when I wasn’t breathing regularly.


“Kia…” I spoke weakly, unsure of what she wanted.


She would hunch over me and look into my sleepy eyes, “Are you feeling ok? Do you need some pain relief?”


I began to feel her warmth slip away as the frigid air began to climb along my wounded side, “No just lay next to me, your body, (cough) is all I want.”


She giggled slightly, “Yes, I know that you want me to keep you warm but I need to go find us some food for the next week. It’s been a while since I’ve gone hunting….. And you need to try walking again…. You’re being lazy.” She wagged her tail in a happy manner as if she enjoyed taking care of me.


I just ignored her about the being lazy and instead turned to face her and hold her arms. She shuddered nervously and stopped moving her tail. I said, “Please stay with me for a little bit longer.”


She licked the side of my face saying, “Ok, because you said please.” She returned back to her original place behind me and I instantly felt better as her warmth surrounded me as she rubbed my side carefully.


After a few more weeks of her feeding me and nourishing me she got a little angry with me, “Look, you need to get up and walk around, you are not bed bound!”


I replied sitting up in the bed feeling my aching wound, “Easy for someone to say without a bullet wound in your side!”


She was fidgeting with rage, “Look do you want me to throw you out in the snow? Your body is more than capable of walking and you need to get your strength back. If you keep lying around you’re going to get stiff and even more helpless. What if I’m not able to keep helping you after you get like that, now start learning how to walk again!!”


She was fuming and I said, “Alright I promise tomorrow I’ll start to walk now can you give me the stupid soup please!”


She took the soup bowl in her claws and place it on a table in the far corner of the tent. She then stormed out zipping the tent up and running out in the distance. “Well isn’t that just great!” I said seeing the bowl was at least 3 steps out of my way.


“You know what Fine!!! I just won’t eat and see how she feels about starving her victims!”


I smelled the soup; it was rabbit stew with diced onions and carrots. It smelled divine as my mouth watered at the idea of licking up the tender white meat as the oils and salts would run along my tongue. I couldn’t help the idea of that getting cold as the coldness of the tent began to wrap itself around me. I looked at my legs and tried to put some weight on them. However pain climbed up my side and I winced at it squeezing my eyes shut. However I decided to fight the urge and continue to apply more weight as I coughed up and choked feeling the pain. “It’s useless! I can’t stand up!”


However something happened, my old friend had crawled out the deepest reaches of my mind and began salivating his tongue as he eyed the food. He wagged my tail and began to apply weight on my legs. Sure we winced a little but he eventually got us to a full stand and walked over to the bowl and began to hungrily gulp up the hot stew as it burned my tongue and throat. I wanted to stop the wolf from gulping down the food to fast, yet it was pointless as the burns swelled up my throat. Yet, I was feeling the warmth of the food enter my body. It wasn’t long before the bowl was licked clean and I was still standing when my nose searched for more food to eat. I then cried, “Ok that’s enough Ill retake control again... Thank you again… wolf inside my head.


Suddenly my ears picked up the faintest cry in the distance. It was Kia, and she sounded like she was in trouble. Without thinking I unzipped the tent and ran towards the sound. My side ached with pain but I just placed my claw to gently hold the bandaged area. However despite the pain I heard more cries and eventually a scream calling out, “John!!! Help Me!!!!”


It wasn’t long before I saw her out in a small valley struggling to climb out of a pit. When I got closer to her I realized that I was standing on ice and her pit was filled with freezing blue ice water. She was clawing at the ice trying to pull herself up but every time she got a grip the ice broke away even more. She was trapped in the ice. I continued my run feeling the ice start to crack under my weight and suddenly remembered the properties of pressure on a surface. I immediately fell to my chest and slide along the ice reaching out to grab her claw. The ice began to break under my chest area and I tried to spread my body out as far as I could and use my other arm to try and lift her out of the water. She clawed me up a little as she struggled to climb up on my backside as I felt my head dunk in the frigid waters. Eventually after sinking her claws into my furry side making me yell in pain she was able to climb out of the water. I tried to drag her back away from the ice and back onto land but eventually she started to strip off her clothing and perform several doggy shakes to remove the water from her fur. I looked away as she stripped completely making me feel a bit sensitive. I felt blood beginning to drip off of me wear she had clawed me as the white snow turned red. But I continued to try and hold her and bring her back to the tent where she could warm up faster. Eventually we had reached the tent and she was shaking badly as the winds from outside blew against her the with the frigid air of the climate.


We entered the tent and she immediately grabbed a nearby blanket and threw it around me and pulled me on top of her on the nearby cot. She began to rube her body trying to get me to warm her. I started to do the same using the blanket to dry off wet areas around us as she chattered her teeth try to warm herself with me. I could still feel the blood slowly drip on my back but I didn’t focus on it, instead I focused on Kia trying to warm the her best I could as the cold began to melt away from our bodies.


Eventually after a few minutes she spoke with a shuttering voice, “I knew you could walk.”


I replied, “Well I guess you get points for that.” I began to feel her rub her legs against my sides making me feel a bit uncomfortable.


She giggled slightly in appreciation, she then said, “Don’t get any ideas big boy, I’m not trying to give you approval.”


I was horrified, the idea that she thought I would sleep with her was grossing me out. I wanted to pull away from her yet she held me close with a tight grip and asked, “What’s wrong, you don’t like that I’m doing that?”


“Look I don’t know about you, but I’m not exactly attracted to you. I mean you may enjoy the idea of being like this, but to me it’s…..”


She continued on regardless of my thoughts about it, she tried to rub against me harder when I knew what she was trying to get me to do, “Look I said I’m not that way, now stop it!”


She sighed as she continued to try and rub against me, “I’m sorry, but when I was about to die, my only regret was not getting the chance to do this with you.”


I immediately pulled away from her and stood at the far end of the tent my back was starting to ache in pain as blood was dripping on the ground. She stopped and realized what was going on when I showed my pain through my expression. Kia snapped out of her playful mood and said, “Oh John I am so sorry I didn’t know that had happened.”


She tried to approach me still nude when I said, “Don’t come near me, I’m not…. I’m not happy with you right now.” I winced in pain as I began to realize just how far she had dug her claws into me. I was bleeding very badly, “This is the reason why I am not attracted to you, we are monsters, and we cannot have what we had before, not like this, not in that way Kia”


She stopped and turned her gaze away from me with pity saying, “Yeah I know….I just don’t think that it’s fair, we cannot be human ever again, and now we cannot enjoy what simple pleasures we once had.”


She wrapped the blanket around herself and tied it with a knot and then said, “Here John let me take care of you I promise not to try anything.”


I allowed her that as she began to work on cleaning up my new wound and dressing it. She then spoke in my ear as she worked on my back ,”Thank you again for saving my life.”


I replied to her as I saw a more human side of her voice and said, “You’re welcome, thank you for saving mine.”

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The next few days were colder, me and Kia shared few words, and it was as if a wall was being built in this little tent. She still went on the hunt, but she hurried back exhausted half the time to see if I was still in the tent. She would call out, “John you ok?”


I would reply, “Yeah I’m still here” as I fidgeted with the hairs on my tail and try to stretch my wounds slightly to prevent from cramping up.


The nights were still cold though, instead of sleeping with Kia she had prepared for herself another bed along the floor of the cot. Her caramel hair with white highlights glowed in the lantern light and I turned away looking at the orange wall of the tent shivering myself to sleep. I was not happy, I often thought what would happen if I just turned and left the tent, but then again would Kia still follow me around because I supposedly had cured her from her previous condition. I wasn’t sure what to do. Sometimes I would hear her cry a little at night, but I was too afraid to ask her what was wrong.


However what did not change was that the wolf had not left my mind, he was overly attracted to Kia! The simplest gesture and movement of her body made the wolf in my head urge for us to touch her. Yet I wouldn’t allow it. I will not allow her to have what she wants and I fought with the wolf on multiple occasions. He would bite my hand and pain shot up my arm just so he could take control for a few seconds before I charged back at him furious. Being around her made it worse. She would try to talk to me about something and the wolf in my mind began to battle with me for a chance to control my body.


Kia looked at me with concern when she saw me struggle to speak with her as my mind wars played through. I just spoke to her in the midst of being attacked by the wolf in my head, “Everything is fine, just please let me think about something for a minute. This continued on for several days until finally I had enough with the atmosphere and I left the tent for a bit to feel the icy cold wind calm my thoughts. It wasn’t long before I saw Kia walking towards us with three dead rabbits in a sack against her back. She dropped the bag at her feet seeing me stand there with a mad look. She asked me, “Is everything ok?”


I simply spoke to her with a frustrated tone, “No everything is not ok! I can’t stand being around you, like this, anymore!”


She stopped in her mid step towards me. Her eyes were silver blue and the wind blew the hair around them. She looked at me intently. She spoke gently with her tail dropping only slightly as her eyes penetrated my deep soul with a great deal of sadness, “You… You really don’t like me?”

The wolf in my mind was trying to bite and remove me of control, but I could not let the wolf win, for Kia was making me feel bad in a weird way. Her stance was showing me concern. Her tail dropped lower. Her eyes were still focused on me as her mouth narrowed into a jester that showed me a loss of hope as I saw her eyes start to tear up.


She was in a lot of pain from what I just said. She had spent the last two months caring for my wellbeing cooking and washing me and just for me to say that I can’t stand being around her cut me like a deep knife into my throat. Her tears continued to drop as she asked again, “Is that really what you feel about me, that you can’t stand to be around me?” She turned back to pick up the dead rabbits as she started crying with deep sighs.


The wolf in my mind moaned at her sadness. The wolf wanted her to know that he wanted to be with her. In the mean time I was still dealing with the guilt that I had just brought upon myself. She passed by me and looked at me in the eyes again her eyes still wet with tears when she saw the confused look on my face. She then winced in deep pain as tears began to just pour out as she entered the tent moaning with some wailing. After standing in the snow and feeling the coldness continue to brush past my fur I had a stupid epiphany about something that was totally obvious if I was not such a heartless bastard. Kia was in love with me……

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Chapter 11 The Virus


Love… an interesting and yet mysterious affection that can cause both confusion and heartbreak. I was lost for words, the idea the Kia was in love with me, even though it was as obvious as the cold around me, still made me ponder at what action I should take. Her eyes filled with tears made me develop a hard lump in my throat yet I could not shake the guilt. It burned against my heart, that I have been treating her so wrong. She was once human, that much I could tell, for she acted more of a human then a wild animal trying to hold the medical tool with her claws and yet still try to regain her grip after some easy slides. Maybe she didn’t have a choice to be this way….


I heard her still crying inside the tent. She was sobbing crossing her arms trying to figure out if she should cook the rabbits or make the fire. She couldn’t decide but only continue to sob. I approached her, and the lump in my throat eased as I spoke, “Look, your not…. Your not… What I’m try to say is that I am sorry… I should not have said that.”


She was still sobbing, so I continued as I felt awkward words with failing to be gripped in my mind, “I can stand... I mean I want you to be around me.”


She stopped sobbing as her ears lifted to pick up my voice, her tail slightly wagged, I continued speaking, “Look I’m still trying to deal with this, It’s hard to not be a human, and after living out here so long, and with you…. I guess I just got tired of trying to understand why I’m out here with you…. I mean you’ve done so much for me, caring for me… What can I say I guess without you, I would not be able to smile the next day.”


She turned to me standing in a weak stance as she wiped her tears and asked me, “You… You really mean that?”


In between her tail twitching slightly and her eyes upon me with love expressed, I couldn’t help but say it, “You… You give me what I most need right now… Someone who can understand me and give me a reason to go on… Because for the longest time, I’ve been trying to shut myself away in fear of what I have become, but now after facing the same trials along with you, I guess it makes sense… To keep living as you are, not… not as you want to be.”


She wagged her tail and walked over to me… reached around my arms and gave me a warm fuzzy hug as both our hairs stood up in a nervous response. She looked into my eyes, and even though she had the face of a wolf, I could see her humanity expressed simply as someone who accepted me and wanted acceptance back. So I slowly raised my claws and held her backside gently feeling her warm soft fur as I moved up and down her back feeling her warmth consume my hands. She then raised her arms to hold my head as her claws gently dug into the fur to feel my skin underneath. With our eyes gazing I couldn’t help but to lick her nose feeling the smooth taste of her tongue as she got goose bumps from the simple lick. She then returned the favor with much affection giving me slow passionate licks until I had to pull away saying, “Look I’m somewhat attracted to you but it still feels like I’m making out with a dog. I just can’t get past that.”


She giggled and turned over to the cot and gave me a female pose that raised all the hairs on the back of my neck with excitement as she spoke, “Well I know something that we can do that is similar to what humans do.”


She then bent over on the cot raising her tail up and looking at me affectionately…..


I was stunned, unsure of how to act when she did that, Yet I still felt weird the wolf in my mind was trying to hump my leg causing me to break focus when she asked, "Whats wrong John?"


The wolf in my mind would not stop trying to take control as I felt my mind was starting to go blank to give the wolf control. Yet I fought back and said,"Look can we turn off the lights, it will be easier for me."


She giggled, "Yes I can understand that" as she turned off the lantern and called out my name in the dark.....




It was… hard to explain the next few days after that, I couldn’t control the wolf in my mind as both of us wanted Kia, actually I wanted Kia. I was different after being with her, and I didn’t want it to change. We were more in love and I guess I had to accept who I was at that moment and just go with it. After having been shot at and nearly killed, being with Kia was all that made sense to me. She and I were separate from society, and I could care less! To me Russia and its nature could give us all we could ever want. We would run through the wet snow to together as the spring weather began to set in. It wasn’t until felt the first rain storm hit when I asked her as she was preparing to eat, “Where is Abia?”


With my strength renewed and my wounds healed it only made sense that I should ask about her. She was after all the one human that I could trust. I also knew that Kia would know where we could find her. Thunder roared outside followed by a flash of lightning and Kia asked, “Where is who?”


“You know Abia, the girl that told you where to find me.”


Kia then laid her food on the fold out table and looked at me in the eyes, “Why are you asking about her?”


I was quick to respond as more lightening flashed ready to send another loud thunderclap, “Well I guess you can say that I’m worried about her, I mean before I was too weak to try and help her, but now that I am better maybe we could save her.”


Kia looked cold and worried as the thunder wailed from outside, “Why would you want to save her?”


I said simply, “Cause it was my fault that she ran away in the first place, I just wouldn’t feel right about it and its already effecting my sleep.”


Kia sighed saying, “Look I know that you have good intentions but out here, we are safe, the Russian government believes that you are dead and that I died from wounds and…”


Lighting flashed and I stood up, “Wait you mean the whole reason why I was being pursued was cause the government wanted me dead?”


Kia was shocked as if she had been trying to hide something from me. I continued as the thunder rolled along, “Is that why that city was massacred was because of me?”


Kia was nervous, I could tell she was trying to be careful about what she said, “Yes, you were the target, and the city was already affected by your presence and to contain your cure the city needed to be destroyed.”


I asked further, “My cure?”


She sighed as the storm began to quiet down, “In your blood right now you have an airborne agent that acts as a cure that removes a domestication virus that is in all civilians and certain military factions. Your grandmother developed the virus from your body, in a sense you are the only carrier of the antidote.”


I was enraged and asked, “So does that me that Abia is… is…”


Kia looked sad and replied, “Yes along with those who found her.”


Mortified beyond comprehension, I just realized that I killed Abia by neglecting her. Yet all this information still kept me wanting to know more so I asked, “What does the virus actually do?”


Kia replied saying, “I’m not exactly sure, but from its effects on me and after being cured by your direct contact with blood it tells me this… That it makes you obedient to whatever commands are given and you act less hostile depending on what strand you get. I think it was because of the world and its riots that the government wanted to seek a way to control the populace. So by developing this virus and letting it spread through flue shots and prescription medicine the government was able to contain and control it people. Yet now that you know, I am worried about what you are going to do next…”


I paused feeling Abia’s death give me reason to pursue a justice for everyone who died needlessly simply to maintain control. I just spoke in an angry tone, “What we do next is spread the cure!”

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The Alaskan grey wolf humanoid unloaded his automatic into a group of soldiers as they struggled to fight back. He laughed as the bullets fly with the scream of dying soldiers silenced by the shredding bullets. Silence surrounded the area of the camp with nothing but the small notion of trickling blood. The wolf called out in Russian, “I know you’re in there! Come out and fight me Saber!”


In the door way two cat like paws stepped out with glistening yellow fur against the sunlight as the claws dug into the snow. Saber walked out holding a handgun his cat like ears twitched with nerve as his yellow eyes glared intently on the wolf. Saber spoke out to the him, “Paladin, why have you been sent here?”


Paladin smiled with bliss. His comrades tried to make a move forward seeing only one enemy left as they were eager to kill with the red glow from their gas masks eye holes. Yet Saber was still not moving a muscle as the number of weapons was raised to kill him. His tail twitched with excitement behind him as he knew his end would be dire. He looked at the soldiers who had died before him and sighed, “Such a waste for them to die, tell me is this necessary?”


Paladin Replied, “The cure is no longer alive, Kia saw to it, now that the virus has spread we must remove all those who could oppose it.”


Saber sighed lowering his side arm and asked, “So the reason we have peace is by needless sacrifice, the men you killed were people who fought for that to happen, but in the end did not receive the gift of peace. Their lives were wasted to the ambitions of those who would use that power for greed.”


Paladin asked with a twitch in his ear, “Care to explain, I think this is the best solution for mankind.”


Saber sighed, “You don’t even see your tail as it wags to be fed the lies of your masters. You may think what you do is what is in your interests, but in reality you follow their will, and not your own, and you don’t even come to realize its happening. That is the power of the virus Paladin. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can help you now that the cure is gone.”


Paladin barked, “What makes you think I would need help from a cat like you! Fire!!”


The lights suddenly went out causing confusions as Saber leapt to a nearby balcony tossing a couple of grenades at the feet of Paladin and his comrades. Saber spoke quickly, “Too bad you can’t see well enough to understand me, even when I see in the dark what’s coming for you.”


Paladin barked out, “Where did he go!”


Suddenly the explosion rang throughout the camp as Paladin and his comrades were killed from the grenades. Saber made a speedy escape eluding the guards due to the power outage making a nimble escape. He sighed to himself as he ran in the direction of the west, “Maybe I can salvage something from his body, Kia might not have gotten far with him before she died.”

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The sweetness of spring mixed with the smell of blood gives u a conflicting thought about life and death. I held my kill in my jaws as we walked through the wild fields filed with yellow and red flowers. Kia was running down the hill and turning back to look at me in delight. It had been 4 days since we talked about the idea of leaving to start the cure. She said it doesn’t make sense to just blindly rush out and start infecting people, she was right.


If we were going to do this properly we needed a strategy, or else the destruction of cities would happen again, and I didn’t want that to happen. So many people have died because of my blind actions of survival. It isn’t right that people are mentally under control of the government, but at the same time it isn’t right to give them a reason to be killed.


I had to think carefully over this as Kia walked up to me taking the dead fox out of my mouth and began to gut it. I wasn’t yet use to the smell of gutting, but at the same time the smell of blood made me hungry. It filled the air with a delicious savoring scent as my eyes opened to try and absorb its aroma.


We don’t stay as much in the tent now that the weather was better, we would hunt during the day and cook our kill under a tree as we talked about our thoughts and feelings…. I was falling deeply in love with Kia, it was a strange and confusing thing, she held my heart in a glass lantern and yet I still saw her reflection even if it was scary.


I was forgetting more every day of my human life style as I fiddled with my claws and scratched my ear. Every day taught me something new about myself, such as my sense of smell. I could smell the air and know the proximity of nearby animals within a mile. It was like I had natural radar and it told me of danger and food. On top of that I heard the slightest sound and woke up to the breathing of a nearby animal. My instinct was also greatly enhanced, every time I chased my prey I knew the exact route to take in order to overtake it as each step was guided in my run.


The wolf in my head was now being absorbed into me, as if I didn’t reject or seem separate from him anymore. When I smile, the wolf smiled too, and when I cried in pain, the wolf cried too. There were even times where I couldn’t figure out if I was the wolf or the human. By now I was both the wolf and the man in one complete mind, and I have Kia to thank for that. Because the wolf and I both accept her even if I have some difficulty accepting her appearance.


However I stopped in my tracks as we were in the middle of a run and smelled an unusual scent… it was a feline scent and I smelled gun powder mixed with it.

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CH 12 Cat vs. Dog


In a world that everything makes sense, you can assume that people cross paths, but in this world filled with corruption you would not expect a man who is biologically altered meeting a walking cat person. His scent was itchy and made my tongue dry. He was already amongst us probably on one of the trees watching us with curiosity. All I could do was freeze and look at Kia in horror from what I sensed. However to Kia was struck down with a cat man dressed in brown leather assault gear, Kia was pinned as he held a blade to her throat and yelled, “Stay back, or she dies!”


I froze in my steps as the grass swayed around us from a steady wind. Kia was growling under the razor of the blade as the cat man held her down tight. She was unable to do anything. The cat man asked, “So I see you are not dead after all Kia?”


Kia growled but replied, “Saber… I didn’t expect them to send you to come for me?”


He leaned in with the blade, “They didn’t send me, I’m currently not part of your budget plan” he turned to me, “Who is your friend is he another one of them?”


Kia softened up, “Wait if you’re not with them, then what happened?”


I quickly spoke, “Kia did try to kill me but…”


Saber tried to peace things together. Kia spoke, “I’m cured Saber, John holds the cure in his blood.”


Saber then eyed me as he tried to still understand it all and then spoke, “So this is John then, explain how he cured you with his blood.”


I turned to him and showed him my healed scars, “Like she says, cured from my blood.”


Saber then released his grip and leaped back from Kia by several feet, “I don’t understand, you mean just from coming into contact is enough to cure instantly, but the airborne cure from his breath takes at least 24 hours to effect, and you were given antibodies to combat it so… I guess his blood is more potent with the cure.”


I then held out my hand, “Do you need the cure?”


Saber laughed, “Unlike you I am immune from such domesticated qualities.”


I tucked my ears still observing his movement when he casually walked up to us as he shifted his tail in excitement, “Well let’s be off to the lab.”


I staggered, “Wait what you mean?”


Saber chuckled, “Well we need to cure people, and you are holding the primary ingredient.”


Kia stepped in front of me, “Well you can’t take him he is mine.”


Saber stopped shortly, “Well I’m sorry to hear that” He then pulled out a revolver and aimed it at us as Kia pulled out her own doing the same. Saber continued, “Sorry but I need his blood.”


I held up my paws, “Wait I’ll give you my blood I don’t mind helping.”


Kia held her ground, “You don’t understand, Saber is going to kill you for it. It’s not your average blood donation; he will kill you and then sell it on the black market.”


Saber laughed pulling back the revolvers pedal, “And here I was thinking dogs lacked such understanding, but now I see this cat’s got to play with the dog, shall we.”



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The gun fired at us and in a flash of gunpowder we jumped away from Saber's aim, what followed was several more shots as Kia and Saber exchanged rounds of fire. I tried to stop Saber, however he was too quick! I almost ran into Kia as she jumped over my head firing rounds across my shoulder as both of them danced quickly to the deadly sounds of gunshots. Kia quickly grabbed a hold of me and through me into thick brush with whizzing bullets whistling past my face…


She was protecting me, her every careful jump in the grass, every jaw dropping acrobatic made me panic. Saber instead laughed with each shot and I dove out of the brush after him with rage for shooting ant my love. Kia called out, “No John don’t!”


I turned to see Kia fling her self to me pushing my head away from the flying bullet. When suddenly I felt Kia’s hand drop from mine and her body flew back into the ground. I ran over to her side pulling on her arm to get back up when I smelled her blood. I called out, “Kia? Kia are you ok?”


The gun was gone from her hand as her arm was limp in my hands… I place my fingers in between hers opening and closing them remember of how we laid next to each other as she would smile in the spring sunshine as her eyes glimmered with beauty. However her hand did not close around mine… Her soft skin grew cold as I pulled on her arm and placed her paw on my chest trying to bring warmth back into them… “Kia… Kia get up, come on Saber is still out here you have to…” I reached my paw to her face remembering how I would run my fingertips across her soft fur as she rubbed her hair against mine as we hugged all through the cold nights. And I felt the her slick blood drench my claws as I pulled her face into my arms only to feel it go limp and her eyes open with a hole in her forehead….


No no she cant be dead, her face doesn’t look like that… Its not true how can she… How can she die… no its not…. Its not!!” Tears began to fill my eyes as I swallowed hard, “Oh Kia no please don’t die…. Please don’t…. (Sob)… Its not… Kia you cannot die!”


I couldn’t feel anything not even hear Saber trying to talk to me… I rubbed her forearm as it laid against my chest unable to feel my warmth as her jaws laid open with her eyes laying open!! I…. I cant No its….. Its not (breath!) (Breath) (BREATH!!!) NOOOOOOOO!!!!


I howled to the sky cursing my life and everything in this world, The pain swelled in my heart as I wanted to be killed… I wanted to die!”


I laid Kia down and finally my senses came back to me, but they were not my own, for within my heart a dark… deadly wolf clawed its way out. My eyes burned with rage… I…. I am going to kill or die!!



I turned to saber who was reloading when I charged him hearing two gunshots and feeling two bullets strike my chest, but I didn’t care, he was going to die!!


I pounded him to the floor as his gun dropped out of his paws, he then turned to his claws scratching at my chest, and it felt amazing, each new scar being formed fueled my rage as I sunk my teeth into his throat hearing him gasp for air as he clawed at my eyes while I bit down hard and tore his throat off!! He then flinched and each time he flinched I bit down more refusing to let him go until he was colder then my Kia, my poor loving Kia (Sob) I miss her… (Heaving breath…) I miss her so much and now she was dead…. without realizing pass out in the moment…. wishing my Kia was still alive...

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CH 13 Family Reunion


My eyes were stiff and hard to open, lights reflected through the deep haze of slurred noise and shouting agony… I was being moved… Moved but not sure where….My head felt like it was in a cold wet vice that kept slipping off my skull every time the vice was tightened… My ears felt like dripping hot wax was being poured into them. It hurt… My chest hurt as I felt things gripping my insides and tearing out my innards… It wasn’t until I heard voices that began to shout and the sound of metal tools being placed on workbenches… I was in a medical room as lights burned my teary eyes with people worked around me brushing against my blood soaked tail as I felt each drop of blood leave my body and echo its splatter against the floor…. I was dying… I felt my legs grow cold along with my paws and claws growing numb. I could barely roll my head as the doctor performed his surgery on me with the smell of sweat dripping off is brow and landing on my cold furry chest glistening my fur. My eyesight was returning and fading in between different times… I knew that several hours have already passed as the number of people in the room changed constantly. My nose however didn’t fail... I could smell my blood everywhere as more was injected into me and then removed and injected… It was as if my blood was being extracted over each procedure as the doctor continued to operate on me… Until finally silence and darkness was upon me…


The room was cold and stale… I could smell fresh alcohol swabs and medical cleaners had done their work to clean the room of my blood. My body was wrapped and tied down to the table as I tried to turn my head to look around beneath the bandages. I couldn’t understand why I was here, or how these people had found me… But none the less I was now a victim to their madness was I truly helpless?


Kia!!! Kia was dead!!! I remember now her hand in between mine now gone forever in the pouring rain of my mind… She was gone forever from me… Why can I just not die? Why did these people need to interfere with my death? Was it not obvious that I wanted to die when I charged and armed gunman? Yet here I am now alone without my Kia filled with rage and agony for her lost… She was mine… My only love on this terrible world… And now I have to endure this loneliness… The wolf in my mind however did not feel the same way as it sniffed around curious of our location. I didn’t care though, The wolf could take over for now… the last thing I want to do right now is care about myself…


I watched as the wolf pulled on the harnesses that were tied to our limbs frustrated with its bondage it decided to chew through the metal and break us free as we scampered onto the floor whimpering in pain. I laughed, “Yes go ahead and get us killed, I don’t mind watching it happen.”


The wolf however did nothing to respond as it wagged our tail and crept around the room looking for food… Suddenly its nose picked up a scent that leads us to a door. The wolf banged on the door with its closed claws making a horrendous noise, however the doors would not give. I chuckled here let me get that for you…”


I took control and grabbed a steal pipe breaking one of the door windows and reached through to unlock it from the other side. The door swung open and I let the wolf retake control with its curios look of how I got the door open. The wolf however returned back to the scent creeping about in the darkness as we made our way to a lit room… it was a kitchen.


The kitchen was dormant however the lights were well lit. The wolf made its way to the garbage, yet I pulled it away and led it to a nearby fridge and opened it… I spoke, “Help yourself…”


The wolf quickly grabbed anything it could eat without much effort as it chowed down on fresh turkey cooked ham and delicious meat loaf… Anything and everything it ate it all leaving only bones and scraps to litter the kitchen. Suddenly we heard a voice, “I see the wolf got a little hungry.”


We turned and I saw my Grandma in her lab coat.

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When I saw that my Story had 4,200 views I was shocked! I....I just could not emphasize how much that all means to me! Thank you... thank you all who have read... Ive been busy with getting married and loosing my job and switching jobs that... I'm sorry that you are all hanging on a limb so to be fair I am going to make this point here as the end of the first book and I will start with the second book in the next few days and have a lot for you all to read. Thank you for all the support and the views thank you all very much!

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