Hi there. I've been sitting and watching Oren and Fnaire and Bogro post to the forum like crazy, so I thought I'd give it a try. My name is Phil Harrison. I'm a rooster and a nurse.
Born: As weird as it sounds, I wasn't born, or even hatched, I had my origins in a dream and just hung around after the dream ended.
Marital status: Single and looking, which is unlikely to change any time soon.
Occupation: Nurse at the Uncanny Valley Hospital for Doctor F. Merideth Zimmerman.
Cons: I did attend RMFC last year, but with so many of us there, I didn't get much face time.
Artistic talents: As an artist, I'm a terrific nurse.
Favorite foods: Corn chips, cricket crunchies and coffee.
Denomination: I'm not really sure. Baptist, I suppose.
Any questions?