Real name: David J. Storms :3 I'm not afraid
Other names: Hawkcon/Hawkbri/LW-Lord-Light
About your fursona: I'm a chimera that is normally friendly and crazy :3
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Location: Arlington, Texas
IM: I use YahooIM:
Web site(s): furaffinity
Artist/Writer: I do a lil of both, mostly poetry.
Been to any cons:A-Kon 2009
Fav. music: Techno/Trance and orchestraeic-types.
Likes: nice understandable people :3 God, Jesus, art, my girlfriend, the Japanese language, manga, XBOX, a good book, a story.
Dislikes: mean customers, mean people, condescending jerks :3
Church Denomination: S. Baptist(only... I'm much more than that :3)
Anything else: Sometimes I use porn-jokes or even body-jokes to tease people, or I put words into others' mouths to tease and make a tense or even less-than tense situation funny :3