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How can I make my computer faster, without buying stuff etc

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I want my computer faster but without buying anything. I'm not sure if there's anything else to do, other then choosing the power save option to better performance (it's not like I care about battery power, my battery is messed up and only last a few minutes fully charge by itself), and something I never knew until maybe a month ago about "Virtual memory" or "Paging Files" that I set to 80,000 MB since it says it treats that extra space as RAM which I guess should be a good thing. There's also the visual effects stuff I turned most off, like not animating when I'm currently resizing or minimizing. But my laptop still feels lame :'( I probably wouldn't mind doing some sort of PC 100% full reset thing if that would make it faster, maybe.

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A few things you may want to check:


1) Start up programs:  If you don't really need it, remove it.

2) Fragmentation:   run Defrag Quarterly

3) Spyware:  Make sure you have ran and removed all spyware

4) Updates:  Is your computer completely up to date?


If you're a bit more advanced of a user, you can do a drive wipe and fresh install of your operating system.  I recommend this only if you're more advanced in your knowledge however, as this can lead to unforeseen problems (such as incompatible or old drivers and the like).

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Thanks. I wasn't sure if there were anymore secrets. Like maybe a "Safe Mode" partner or something, but with better graphics. I don't download junk though and I did go through a lot of uninstalling stuff when I didn't have internet. My laptop is up to date and defragmented. I also once went through a bunch of those things in the Windows Task Manager and stop the process of a bunch of stuff that didn't look important. I feel disappointed though that I have like almost 100 GB of free space on my laptop, but can't use it to make the laptop a lot faster :(

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This day and age unless you're using a solid state drive it won't help speed up your laptop much to use page files. It will some but the hard drive reads a lot slower than ram does in modern times.


Shutting down useless processes will help and removing those processes that arent used will help. But really the only things after that would be to replace your driv with a faster drive.

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This day and age unless you're using a solid state drive it won't help speed up your laptop much to use page files. It will some but the hard drive reads a lot slower than ram does in modern times.


Shutting down useless processes will help and removing those processes that arent used will help. But really the only things after that would be to replace your driv with a faster drive.

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