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Well, you all know this server we are on provides web services to CF.net, but it actually does a lot more and you have access to some of it.

If you would like to see something on the server that you think that would be useful to us, let me know.


Sites hosted here: Managed by the respective owners, over all managed by Wolfin and Flechmen :

http://christianfurs.net (Flechmen, Wolfin, Alsek)

http://red-king.org (Flechmen)

http://whaticouldntsay.com (Flechmen)

http://scaleskin.co.uk (Syruss)

http://arcaniannexus.com/ (Cryos, Wahabloo, Alsek, TooChaotic, HoboFawkes)

http://victory-cross.com/ (Jude, Zyborg22, LurkingWolf, Kail)

http://groomingbarn.com/ (Flechmen, Grooming Barn)

http://direlda.net/ (Direlda)

http://foxnet.in/ (Flechmen/ChristianFurs [Foxnet is a branch of CF])

http://alsek.christianfurs.net (Alsek, test site)

http://comic.christianfurs.net (No one, was going to be Kail and Flechmen)

Other web sites hosted are either not active or are not associated with furry stuff (my aunt's blog for example).


Other services:

TeamSpeak: Managed by Syruss : Connect to scaleskin.co.uk

IRC (Foxnet): Managed by Flechmen, Wolfin and Alsek: Connect to irc.foxnet.in


How do I get services like this?

Well, you can suggest services to provide to the community such as IRC or TeamSpeak. I'll look into it and if its easy enough, and useful enough, I'll set it up. The server isn't the most powerful thing in the world, so we have to keep that in mind too.

Web hosting is something we're much more strict about. Mainly because a hosting account on the server also comes with things like shell accounts and FTP access. To get this, we have to trust you. A lot. Web hosting services are available to those who have a rank on the forums or in an IRC channel.

The server is provided by Flosoft and paid for by a private donation.

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