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Random Lyrics/poetry and thoughts

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So I've decided that I would like to share some of the "lyrics" and or random thoughts that usually come to me in the night or after having woken up.


If they are good I usually grab my phone out and frantically type them in. I havent really gotten anything that is enough to make a song out of or a poem, but there is enough of a base.


Usually it is just snippets of something. So I'll start with something that came to mind after having worken up from being very sick earlier today. It was raining outside and I suddenly had a "vision" of levitating in the air with the rain washing over me.


So here is the snippet from today....


"Suspended in the rain

Wash away all the pain

drops of blue, life anew

Suspended in the rain


The taste on my lips

the rushing within

thoughts drift away

a timeless peace"

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