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Guest Wolfin

Christmas-y Secret Santa!

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Guest Wolfin

Looking for something to make new happy holiday memories and want to join in some Christmas fun? It's the most wonderful time of the year, yay! We are once again going to participate in the second annual CF/CFF Secret Santa...thingy.


How it works is simple; folks register with our super-secret, artificially intelligent "Stata-in-a-box" and are randomly paired with each other. You only know who you're sending a gift to, but, not who will be sending a gift to you. You send a gift as early in December as you can to the name you've been given, and, 'round about Christmas-time you'll receive your secret surprise gift.


The application is here: CLICKY CLICKY

And there are options to opt into getting a digital gift if you do not want to give your mailing address to someone or for a physical gift (or, the default of "either", which, makes it a true surprise :P ).


Gifts should be valued around $10 or $15 with shipping.


Instructions on how to fill out the form are on the form itself, and should be rather self-explanatory.


Thanks everyone and Merry Christmas!


Frequently Pondered Inquiries

What should I give for a gift?

Anything really, as long as it's legal, not offensive, and safe to mail (for physical items). As a general rule, make sure it's a gift you'd like to receive. If you're having trouble finding a gift for someone, you can always feel free to discretely ask some of the folks on the forums or IRC who know them well what they might enjoy.


How can I avoid insanely high shipping?

First, SHIP EARLY to send packages at small packet or first class international rates (in the US you have to go to a post office to get those, in Canada you can print them from http://canadapost.ca or in the US from https://www.usps.com/shipping/label.htm and tape the postage on the box, in either case a small box should be mailable in country for under $5 and internationally for less than $9).

We will try to pair people who are in the same country or we will offer to pay half of the international shipping.


When should I send my gift?

As soon as you can, you'll get better rates and it's always better to receive a gift early than late ;) As a rule, international packages should be sent in the first week of December, Continental in or before the second week, and you can check your local postal branch for country/state times.


What happened to my gift? :o

If you haven't gotten your gift by Jan 9th, PM me or Flechmen and we'll check in with your Santa and do everything we can to find your gift and make sure you get it. Sometimes it sucks to get a gift late, but, by golly we're going to make sure everyone gets their's eventually :)

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