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Bible Study for October 16

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I'm currently down visiting family and have also attended a friend's wedding, which went well. And while I probably could have managed to get Bible study to work from down here, I've realized that I need to take this week off. I'm sorry about the short notice ^^; There is so much I am behind on (such as posting all of the Bible study recordings) and I'm feeling rather drained. I need some time to meditate and time to catch up.


So enjoy the time you would have spent in Bible study today - as the leader/discussion facilitator I need to be in a better place mentally than I am currently, so it is for the best that we pause once again before continuing on with Acts.


Next week is Acts 25. If you don't have anything better to do, I would appreciate having you join. ^^


Now that I've got that out of the way, I think I can fall asleep.


~Your feeling-like-butter-spread-over-too-much-bread Bible study leader, Direlda

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