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Christian Furs - Christian Furry Community

Thomas, Maltuin

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Status Updates posted by Thomas, Maltuin

  1. Iv'e made many a friend here and for that I am quite grateful. I have found much needed cameraderie here and it feels right.

    1. Ember


      I am grateful for the same thing, (that includes you Thomas) :)

  2. Every word I speak further convicts me...

  3. If you don't want to be my friend, thats your choice, but I will be here, doing my best to be a shoulder to lean on if you need me.

  4. You can't pick your friends. The thought that you can is a common misconception. You can choose who you hang around with, but as far as who is actually a real friend to you, I'm afraid you have no real control of that. Also, just because you are not a friend to someone, that doesn't mean that they are not a friend to you. If you hate me, but I still try to be there for you. I'm still technically your friend. A true friend should be there whether you like it or not. Why? Becaus...

  5. Words, there are so many, what do they mean?

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